EmployMum is a flexible recruitment agency with a difference – because we care, we offer free Back To Work workshops for people who have been out of the workforce or want to pivot in their careers.
We have helped hundreds of people obtain flexible work. We help companies with their returnships – they are like internships for people who have been out of the workplace for a number of years – to bring them back to the level they were at before they left (usually for care giving purposes).
We have been featured on national newspapers and magazines, radio and television and are the leaders in the flexible work revolution in Ireland.
EmployMum has been a Keynote Speaker at the NRF (National Recruitment Federation) conference, The D&I conference in UCC and the Future of Work Conference in the Republic of Work among others.
In the past four years, we have worked tirelessly with many companies and clients and have first hand knowledge on what companies require for their flexible work policy. We also have a very unique insight into what employees, particularly women and parents, want when it comes to flexible work.
Our remit has shifted in the last 4 – 5 years and we are now seen as the thought leaders in the space in Ireland. We have worked on and developed a flexible quality mark for businesses and organisations and companies are now coming to us for:
– Assistance on obtaining and retaining talent
– Advice on how to embrace flexibility as a key business strategy
– Help on addressing the gender pay gap and diversity and inclusion in the workplace
– Inspiration on how to become leaders in the flexible work space
Our consultancy work covers: