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After years of being frustrated with organisations paying lip service to flexible work, we have developed a flexible quality mark which we award to companies that truly offer flexible work to their employees. Companies must pass a flexible work audit in order to be awarded this accolade.
We are now living in an age where technology can allow us to work flexibly, whether that be remotely/part time/jobs share/term time or a myriad of other options that can make the world of a difference to an employee.
Isn’t it ironic then that in this era of advanced technology, that we are being led by Jurassic types who are living in the past? As Mother Pukka says ‘We’re in a position where we have free range technology (you can work anywhere, anyhow) but battery farm mentality. Judge people on what they are doing and not where they are sitting’
Jurassic companies cite insurance costs, GDPR issues, trust, lack of control, managing the team and communication as reasons for not embracing flexible work. Even though a recent EU directive, soon to be passed, states that parents will have the right to request flexible work when they have children up to the age of eight.

Newsflash: Flexible work is coming down the tracks whether we like it or not. Head stuck in the sand companies will also point to companies who have revoked their flexible work strategy like IBM, Yahoo and Bank of America.
We would suggest to those companies to come and talk to us and see how they can really put wellness in the workplace on the agenda by offering flexible work. No amount of yoga classes or mindfulness will erase the stress of a daily 4 hour commute. 

A flexible work strategy needs to be thought through and requires management and culture change from the top down. The claw back of IBM’s and Yahoo’s flexible work strategy could stem from a lack of a cohesive plan, and not taking into account the feedback from all stakeholders. We realise that it is not a one size fits all scenario and what works for one company may not work for another, hence the culture and the workflow of the company needs to be studied in order to take the right steps forward for the future of work.
We can help.
We hear many companies shouting from the rooftops about how flexible they are and what a fantastic equal opportunities employer they are. On the other hand, we have candidates registering with us from the very same companies, telling us about the inflexibility of their bosses and the inflexibility of their ways.

Receiving the Flexible WorkPlace award means that companies can partner with Employmum to advertise the fact that they are a flexible place to work. Our latest survey shows that this is the most requested facet to work for over 85% of those surveyed.
If you are interested in getting on obtaining the Flexible Workplace Award, feel free to contact us on or call us on 087 9722498

Life is Short. Work Somewhere Flexible.

Flexible Quality Mark Companies